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Unpacking the Ropack story

We deliver on our reputation for quality and reliability, every day.

Our history

In 1976, Roger Massicotte and his partner started packaging limited runs of private-label sugar sachets on two refurbished machines in some rented space in Montréal, Canada.

Today, that operation has developed into Ropack Pharma Solutions: a well-respected, family-run business offering manufacturing, packaging, and Canada-wide clinical trial services for our partners in the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and food industries. At the heart of this remarkable growth are Ropack’s commitment to innovation, our promise to deliver the highest level of quality, and our teams of highly qualified specialists.


Ropack’s founding

  • Roger Massicotte buys two sugar-packing machines in Montréal’s east end.
  • Roger and his partner rent a 4,000-square-foot facility on 4th Avenue in Rivière des Prairies.
  • They start packing sugar sachets.
  • Ropack gets its name—“Ro” from “Roger,” “pack” from packaging.
An image of one of Ropack's first sugar packing machines.

Purchasing our 4th Avenue plant

  • With a growing customer base, Ropack purchases its first plant.
  • Ropack gains various new food contracts, including Kraft Dinner and Nutri-Diet.
  • Ropack begins packaging dehydrated cereal and potato mix for the Canadian Army.
  • Ropack expands its capabilities again, designing individual packaging for bread provided to the Canadian military.
An image of Ropack's 4th Avenue plant in Montréal.

The arrival of Yves Massicotte

  • Roger’s son Yves joins Ropack as General Manager and Head of Business Development.
  • Yves brings an entirely new vision for Ropack’s future, setting his eyes on pharmaceutical packaging.
An image of Yves and Roger wearing dark jackets in 1989.

The dawn of Ropack’s pharmaceutical era and the Mirabeau plant

  • Ropack begins construction of a modern facility boasting world-class quality standards. With an eye to securing future FDA approval, the plant contains 25 Class 100,000 cleanrooms.
  • Ropack’s new facility receives approval from Health Canada.
  • Ropack is certified by the FDA, becoming the first Canadian contract manufacturing organization in the process.
  • The Mirabeau plant is inaugurated.
An image of the construction of Ropack's Mirabeau plant. An image of a crowd of people gathered for the inauguration of the Mirabeau plant.

A contract with the Canadian Army

  • Ropack begins assembling rations for the Canadian Army.
  • A new 75,000-square-foot building is leased to accommodate expanding assembly operations.
  • The team expands with the addition of 30 new jobs.
Image of a newspaper clipping announcing Ropack's contract with the armed services.

Ropack stays in the family

Yves Massicotte becomes CEO after proving himself through his work over the years.

An image of Yves Massicotte smiling in a white collared shirt.

Further integration of pharmaceutical services

Ropack again expands its capabilities, adding bottling, encapsulation, and blister lines to its growing portfolio of offerings.


Acquisition of Ropack’s third plant, Vauban

  • Ropack purchases a new facility at 7800, rue Vauban, in order to relocate ration assembly services for the army.
  • Vauban undergoes renovation, adding new clean rooms that allow Ropack to offer more pharmaceutical services.
  • New technologies are integrated, including a fully automated, high-speed stick pack line and a new integrated blister line.
  • Ropack expands, gaining office space and a new warehouse at 10801, rue Mirabeau.

National Bank SME Awards

Ropack wins the silver medal in the SME
$10M to $50M in sales category at the
National Bank SME Awards.

Image of the Ropack team accepting the silver medal at the National Bank SME awards.

Upping Ropack’s technological game

  • Ropack gains serialization capabilities.
  • New large-capacity blending rooms with bin blender and a weighing room with a ribbon blender are added.
  • Ropack develops a new in-house analytical and microbiological laboratory.
  • Tablet compression services become part of Ropack’s repertoire.
Present day

The family succession

Yves’ four children are quietly finding their places in the family business.

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Video still of Ropack office.